Friday, December 7, 2007

Previous Postings (1 of 2)

Below are postings from my other Blog, which I transferred here.

Nov 27 - Little Henry

Last week a friend of mine tanya, nak tengok pic his Thierry Henry tak? My response was "Sapa tu?"

My "Sapa tu?" wasn't like "Who's YOUR Thierry Henry?". I've never heard of that name before. Bila I dah dapat tengok pic tu, I still have no idea who's Henry. It was a pic of my friend's cute son, Aqeef, wearing a jersey with no 14, and written on it "Barcelona".

Two days ago, I read Papa Aqeef's blog. The same pic he sent to me was there. Baru teringat pasal nama Henry Thierry tu. I had to use google to look up for that guy. Oooohhh.. pemain Barcelona... so what? Rasanya ramai lagi orang kot yang macam I, tak ambil peduli pasal dunia sukan ni. I tak baca sangat pun, tengok sekali imbas je.

Malam tadi I tengok TV. Ada TV commercial pisau cukur Gillette. There he was again... that Thierry guy. One whole world kenal dia agaknya. Am I the only person tak pernah dengar nama dia? I am so ignorant. I hanya ambil peduli tentang dunia kecil I ni. Tak pe lah. Memang I shallow. It's okay, my partner pun probably tak kenal dia. Like me, dia pun tak baca newspaper, or watch news on TV. Atau lain2 bahan bacaan mcm URTV, Mangga and any other craps seumpamanya. Her world knowledge pun sepatutnya secetek I kot...

Pagi tadi I asked my partner, "Awak kenal Henry Thierry?"

"Pemain bola tu ke? Barcelona kot. Thierry Henry la.."

I AM SO SHALLOW!!! At least she got his name right!!!...

Nov 25, 2007 (Sunday) - You Light Up My Life

So many nights I sit by my window
Waiting for someone to sing me his song
So many dreams I kept deep inside me
Alone in the dark but now You've come along
You light up my life
You give me hope To carry on
You light up my days and fill my nights with song
Rollin' at sea, adrift on the water
Could it be finally I'm turning for home?
Finally, a chance to say hey, I love You
Never again to be all alone
You light up my life
You give me hope To carry on
You light up my days and fill my nights with song
You light up my life
You give me hope To carry on
You light up my days and fill my nights with song
It can't be wrong
When it feels so right
'Cause You You light up my life

Penyanyi asal Debbie Boone. Tapi version Leanne Rimes pun sedap juga. Well Partner, since you want so much me writing about you, nah! I dedicate this song to you.

Me and my partner met somewhere around August 2005. Masa tu kerja sama-sama. Terus klik sampai sekarang. I call her partner bcoz she's my business partner. She's more than that actually. My friend, my family, my personal assistant, my diary, my everything lah. What ever I want her to be, dia ada. I'm so thankful that I am blessed with this friendship. Sometimes i can be very difficult and so annoying, itu pun dia tak komplen. Tapi adalah la jugak sekali dua tu dia kata kalau nak merajuk, merajuk la, dia tak nak pujuk. So tak berani la I nak merajuk ngan dia (Huh!). Paling best, she's so damn crazyyyy. Suits me fine.

Not feeling well today. Nanti ada mood I tulis lagi about my partner. Nak cari lagu lain dulu.

Nov 24 - My Dream Lover

Isn't he handsome? Just look at the butt!!

Facts At A Glance
CAR: Toyota Hilux pick-up range
ENGINE: 2.5-litre D-4D common rail diesel 102bhp
WHEELBASE: 3,085mm

Tak tahu kenapa I suka lah sangat kat kenderaan ni. Dah tak nak pandang yang lain kalau Hilux lalu depan mata I. Kalau I ada banyak duit and can afford to buy any car, I would definitely go for this one. No BMWs, No Mercedes. I only want this, the 6th generation Hilux by Toyota.

Nov 22 - Words (Don't Come Easy To Me)

Kenapa I tulis Blog?

It's not like I'm going to share it with anyone. Maybe just with my partner.
Maybe bcoz everybody is doing it.

I am not good with words. I have problems expressing myself, both in words and actions. People always interpret me wrongly. Can't really blame them.

I don't feel comfortable talking to people actually. Kalau hal-hal berkaitan kerja, urusan PR ni I hand over to my partner. I rather do administration work, dealing with paperworks lagi senang dari dealing with human beings. Kalau kena cakap2 dengan org ni, I rasa my words selalu sekat tengah jalan. Selalu I tak dapat habiskan my sentence. Notice tak, my sentences semuanya pendek2 aje? Maybe bcoz I'm a shallow person. But hey, I think I can beat anybody easily in a game of scrabble. Kan Partner? Out of ten games, maybe sekali je my partner wins. Tu pun sebab I kesian. Nanti kalau selalu sangat Partner kalah, tak nak main lagi dengan I.

I have a lot of words in my mind but I can't seem to put them in sentence.

Dulu masa zaman high school, I was in the ICU class for B.Melayu subject. I was a hopeless case lah especially masuk bab2 sajak and prosa klasik nih. English is a different story. Ntah mana ya I belajar? Maybe sebab banyak sangat dengar lagu-lagu inggeris ni.

Sekarang ni even worst. I don't talk much. In my line of duty, tak perlu banyak berkomunikasi. ye lah since everything I pass to my Partner to do it. Hari- hari I hanya berkomunikasi dengan my partner and my workers. And with my family members. Oh ye, my workers are all Indonesians. I listen to Indo songs now, including dangdut. Soon I'' be talking like my workers.

Nov 21 - Killing Me Softly

Strumming my pains with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song...

Yeah, another lovely song, this time by Fugees. But originally by Roberta Flack. Still feeling blue.I am going crazy at this moment. Since my partner is out of the office, I have no one to pour my heart out. K is online (YM) right now. I don't have the strength to delete his ID from my messenger list, yet. So I just stared at my screen, tengok aje nama dia. Sweet yellow smiley. Dari pagi tadi. Lepas balik dari lunch kejap tadi, tengok he's still there. Dia tengah dengar lagu. Why wudn't he go away? Why cudn't i delete his name? Tu kan lagi mudah?

Nov 20 - Feeling Blue

Kau boleh acuhkan diriku
Dan anggap ku tak ada
Tapi tak kan merubah perasaanku
Ku yakin pasti suatu saat
Semuakan terjadi
Kaukan mencintaiku
Dan tak akan pernah Melepasku
Aku mau mendampingi dirimu
Aku mau cintai kekuranganmu
Selalu bersedia bahagiakanmu
Apa pun terjadi
Ku janjikan aku ada..
Kau boleh jauhi diriku
Namun ku percaya
Kau kan mencintaiku
dan Takkan pernah melepasku
Aku mau mendampingi dirimu
Aku mau cintai kekuranganmu
Selalu bersedia bahagiakanmu
Apa pun terjadi
Ku janjikan aku ada..

My first posting. And all I can think about is to share the lyric of this beautiful song by Once (Aku Mahu) here. My fav at the moment. Maybe bcoz I'm feeling blue right now.

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